Guest post: CLEAR Regulation 101 webinar- Sharing a passion for regulation

Posted By: Elizabeth Pope Administration,

Guest blog post by Elizabeth Pope, NC Social Work Certification and Licensure Board

I recently had the opportunity to participate in the Regulation 101 webinar as a member of the CLEAR mentorship cohort and found this training to be compelling and refreshing, specifically the discussions regarding things outside of scope for a regulator, operational challenges, and what’s coming over the horizon. Regulation is a niche sector of our various professions, and it is always reassuring to occupy space with individuals that share a passion for regulation and can relate to the unique encounters regulators face.

Attending this training served as a great learning opportunity, and there were many takeaways for me directly related to operational challenges around employee retention, attracting quality staff members, and how to sell regulation to good people. My organization is currently in the middle of our recruitment process and initial screening of applicants for employment, and with the information received during the Regulation 101 webinar, I was able to return to this recruitment process with a heightened sense of admiration for what we do daily as regulators and eagerness to share this with applicants.

Other takeaways included discussions around engaging with key stakeholders, which is a key aspect of regulatory work. Currently, my organization is working on getting legislation passed so that our jurisdiction can participate in the Social Work Licensure Compact, and the takeaways for engaging with multiple stakeholders, challenging stakeholders and lateral thinkers was most impactful. This information combined with the guidance regarding what is coming over the horizon is especially helpful as my Board addresses strategic planning.

I am most appreciative of the presenters as they shared their expertise and provided a multitude of relatable examples and relevant content while remaining engaging throughout the presentation. I look forward to future professional development opportunities of this nature.


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