Committee Service FAQs

Thank you for your interest in serving on CLEAR committees.  Below you will find a list of FAQs to help you know what to expect.  Please contact CLEAR staff if you have any additional questions.

What do CLEAR’s committees do?
What guides the work of the committees?
What are the benefits of joining a committee?
Who can join a committee?
What is the time commitment?
How do I sign-up?
When should I sign-up?
Is there a fee associated with committee participation?


What do CLEAR’s committees do?

CLEAR committee members take part in developing the content for CLEAR's Annual Educational Conference. In addition, the organization's various committees move forward the many projects, programs and initiatives on which our organization is working.  Visit the main committee page and click on the drop-down for each committee to find out more about the committee's work.


What guides the work of the committees?

The Board of Directors develops Statements of Direction for each committee.  Each committee will be provided with a minimum of two to three priorities on which to work, in addition to those tasks they routinely undertake. The Statements of Direction are provided to the committees at the beginning of the committee year.  Committees are asked to review the statements of direction and provide feedback or concerns or ask for clarification prior to the midyear business meeting. The tasks will then form at least part of the agenda at the midyear business and annual conference meetings.  A detailed reporting process will ask committees to identify plans for addressing each task in the committee reports to the Board at the midyear business meeting and annual conference.


What are the benefits of joining a committee?

Serving on a committee offers the opportunity to network with regulatory colleagues within your particular area of interest.  You can bring your perspective and expertise to help guide the development of programming and resources relevant to the regulatory community and that you can take back for use in your own agency or organization.


Who can join a committee?

Membership in CLEAR (either as an individual or part of an organization) is required.  Committee members are appointed based on interest and desire to make a contribution.


What is the time commitment?

To begin the committee year, committees hold a welcome teleconference in October/November.  Committees meet twice per year: January for the Midyear Business Meetings and September in conjunction with the Annual Educational Conference.  Video/teleconferences are held throughout the year, generally on a quarterly basis but more frequently as tasks or projects warrant.  Video/teleconferences are typically scheduled for one hour.

Committee involvement also includes time to review the agenda and materials in preparation for each meeting.  Some committees establish smaller working groups for specific projects, such as curriculum review, authoring a publication or development of a resource.  These working groups would meet by teleconference as needed to complete the project.

The Program Subcommittees are involved in reviewing session proposals prior to the Midyear Business Meeting.  This review process takes place in November and December and involves reviewing and providing feedback on typically 15-20 session proposals.


How do I sign-up?

The committee participation form is available to logged-in members on CLEAR’s website.  Just fill out your contact details and select the committees on which you wish to serve.  By checking the box for a committee, you are selecting to be on that committee, not just indicating interest.

When should I sign-up?

The invitation to committee participation is issued in late August, with reminders in September and immediately following the annual conference.  If you sign-up at this time, you will be able to participate from the beginning of the committee year.  Of course, CLEAR welcomes your involvement anytime throughout the year.  If you sign-up at any other time, we’ll make sure you have all the materials you need to get integrated into the committee.


Is there a fee associated with committee participation?

CLEAR does not charge a fee for committee participation.  Travel and accommodations for any in-person meetings are the responsibility of the committee member or their organization.