
CLEAR's committees are engaged in important projects and tasks across the organization. Whatever your area of interest or expertise, CLEAR welcomes your involvement. Committees are appointed following the conclusion of each Annual Educational Conference and serve for one year, but members may volunteer and join at any time. CLEAR’s committees meet twice each year, at the midyear business meeting in January and at the Annual Educational Conference. Many committees also have periodic virtual meetings to monitor and advance their activities throughout the year.

Additional information regarding each committee’s initiatives, projects, and responsibilities is available by clicking on the committee names below. Submit the committee participation form to volunteer for committee service (must be a current CLEAR member or create a CLEAR member account).

Committee rosters, meeting agendas, and supporting materials will be available in the committee portal, OnBoard.  For questions about accessing OnBoard, please contact

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee shall promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the professional and occupational regulatory community by:

1) Defining diversity, equity, and inclusion terminology for CLEAR and its membership

2) Supporting CLEAR stakeholders as they seek to remove bias and discrimination in the professional and occupational regulatory community

3) Providing advice and recommendations to the CLEAR Board of Directors committees, and staff with respect to raising awareness of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the regulatory community

4) Assisting in the development of diversity, equity and inclusion topics and related items of discussion for CLEAR’s educational programs, including, but not limited to, conferences and professional development offerings

5) Assisting in helping CLEAR to build leadership opportunities for stakeholders including opportunities that foster greater diversity, equity, and inclusion.

The Education and Training Committee makes recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding: a) the structure and objectives of CLEAR education and training programs and b) the development of new training programs and educational offerings. The committee also oversees and provides development support for CLEAR education and training programs (National Certified Investigator and Inspector (NCIT) Program, Board Member Training Program, and Executive Leadership for Regulators Program) as needed. Current projects include curriculum review and revisions, research on interactive educational models, development of new program faculty, and international program growth. The committee invites members with an interest in and experience with the investigation process for regulatory authorities, effective regulatory governance, and/or leadership development of executive staff to join. Additional skills and expertise needed include adult education and learning, marketing and content development.

The Examination Resources and Advisory Committee members share examination expertise with other committees and members, develop and publish guidelines and promote development of standards, policies and procedures.  Committee members make recommendations to CLEAR’s board of directors and general membership related to best practices in examination and assessments.  Current projects include suggesting webinar topics, considering updates to CLEAR Exam Review and an update of the glossary of testing terminology.  The committee invites members with an interest in the field of examinations, testing and assessment to join.  Additional skills and expertise needed include an understanding of examination trends, experience in examination development and partnership with regulatory organizations.

The International Relations Committee members oversee international outreach, identify opportunities for collaboration and provide assistance regarding international issues to the membership.  Current projects include development of CLEAR’s International Congress for Professional and Occupational Regulation and working to broaden the international membership base.  The committee invites members from all geographic regions who are interested in the international issues surrounding regulation to join.   Additional skills and expertise needed include experience with regulatory models outside of North America, legal foundations for regulation in developing nations and professional connections with regulators worldwide.

The Regulatory Agency Administration Committee members share best practices, identify current challenges and solutions and provide resources and strategies for administrators across the regulatory community.  The committee is tasked with identifying the trends and issues of interest to the regulatory community for CLEAR program, resource and content development.  Current projects include CLEAR Information Sharing Webinars, gathering resources for the Regulators Toolkit and identifying results-based research for the regulatory community.  The committee invites members with experience in the administrative functions of regulatory authorities to join.  Additional skills and expertise needed include innovations in administrative processes, technology support for administrative organizations and organizational leadership.

The Annual Educational Conference Program Committee members coordinate, develop and present the Annual Educational Conference program.  The subcommittees, listed below, determine the sessions and topics to include in each program track.  Committee members have the opportunity to shape the Annual Educational Conference program to offer the most relevant, essential and valuable regulatory information available.  Members also review vendor-led webinar proposals throughout the year. All members of CLEAR are encouraged to join one of the subcommittees.  Insight and experience in any of the four areas is helpful to ensure CLEAR program content meets the diverse needs of the regulatory community.


  • Entry to Practice Standards and Continuing Competence
  • Testing & Examinations
  • Regulatory Administration and Governance
  • Compliance, Discipline, and Enforcement

This subcommittee reviews session proposals and develops the Annual Educational Conference content. The Entry to Practice Standards and Continuing Competence Subcommittee is responsible for evaluating and developing sessions that allow those involved in the initial licensing/registration/credentialing process to discuss the issues, trends, and challenges they face in playing the "gatekeeper" role that is fundamental to professional regulation, outside of the testing and examination realm. Topics may include defining competencies within a scope of practice, setting standards of qualification (education, training, experience), establishing equivalencies, assessing practical experience, accrediting education providers, artificial barriers to practice, labor mobility (national and international), appeals processes when registration is denied, when should the bar be raised or lowered, re-entry to practice scenarios, etc. 

This subcommittee reviews session proposals and develops Annual Educational Conference content. The Testing and Examination Subcommittee is responsible for planning and implementing conference sessions designed to inform, provoke discussions, and explore new issues related to all aspects of certification and licensing examinations. These topics may include such items as: job analysis, test development and validation, standard setting, test administration, scoring and analysis, score reporting, and examination challenges/defense.
This subcommittee reviews session proposals and develops Annual Educational Conference content. The Regulatory Administration and Governance Subcommittee considers and provides program sessions that inform, educate, and inspire conference attendees to implement innovative solutions regarding legislation, policy, administrative leadership, and daily operations. Sessions that focus on operational efficiency, equity, technology, cyber and physical security, updates to laws, governing policies and procedures, and media and stakeholder relations are in high demand.
This subcommittee develops, presents, and evaluates sessions for the CLEAR conference that both educate the participants in the professional discipline process and enhance knowledge and skills for better on-the-job performance by participants in the professional discipline process. The professional discipline process (for purposes of the subcommittee) means the entire process by which the state/province/government entity (1) received information pertaining to possible violations of law by a member of a regulated group (or a person who purports to be a member of a regulated group), (2) investigates the information received, and (3) makes an appropriate case disposition.