CLEAR's 8th International Congress on Professional and Occupational Regulation

International Congress - December 3-5, 2025

For regulatory leaders looking for the chance to examine how global trends in professional and occupational regulation impact their own organizations, CLEAR’s International Congress on Professional and Occupational Regulation offers an interactive and dynamic forum to explore the most salient issues for the international regulatory community. Unlike traditional conferences, CLEAR’s International Congress employs a format of interactive education sessions and roundtable discussion groups to engage regulatory leaders in dialogue and active problem-solving for regulatory authorities both locally and around the world. The 2025 congress program will center on three tracks of inquiry:

Workforce Planning and Global Mobility

Data, Strategy, Innovation & Advanced Technology

Governance, Accountability & Regulatory Culture

Regulatory Research Day - December 3, 2025

The Regulatory Research Day encourages information-sharing and networking among international researchers, regulators, accreditation authorities and practitioners. Join us as we explore the role research plays in shaping regulatory policy-making, and discuss the steps necessary to pursue an international research agenda. The event will include presentations on local and international research, opportunities for networks to be strengthened, and innovations in regulatory arrangements to be explored. 

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International Congress Sponsor & Exhibitor Opportunities

Program Location

Tākina Wellington Convention & Exhibition Centre
50 Cable Street, Te Aro,
Wellington 6011, New Zealand 

Tākina, the Wellington Convention and Exhibition Centre, is inspired by Wellington’s dramatic landscape and environment, offering cutting-edge contemporary design and panoramic views over the city and Wellington Harbour. The international convention centre is within easy walking distance of key transport links, entertainment and recreation options, and has many accommodation options nearby.