Final report on Psychological Health Determinants of Legal Professionals in Canada
An initial report of the Nationl Study on the Psychological Health Determinants of Legal Professionals in Canada, released in October, found that "more than half of all respondents reported experiencing psychological distress and burnout and that the billable hours model negatively impacts mental health." A final report has been published with recommendations for action to legal employers, law societies, bar assosiations, and legal educators:
- "Improving the preparation of future professionals to support them in dealing with psychological health issues.
- Making better support and guidance available upon entry to the profession.
- Improving continuing professional development within the profession.
- Where relevant, evaluate the implementation of alternative work organization models that limit the impact of certain risk factors on health.
- Implement actions aimed at destigmatizing mental health issues in the legal profession.
- Improve access to health and wellness support resources and break down barriers that limit access.
- Promote professional diversity and revise practices, policies and procedures that may include or create discriminatory biases.
- Consider the health of legal professionals as integral to legal practice and the justice system.
- Develop a culture of measurement.
- Foster a better work-life balance in the legal profession."