CLEAR's President's Message - May 2024

Posted By: Ashley Peterson

“Remember this feeling.”

That was the I advice I received at my first CLEAR Annual Educational Conference 12 years ago, when I felt overwhelmed by the regulatory star power.  But people were kind.  And they were generous. They took time to share their experiences, impressions and valuable lessons learned. I tried to soak up every bit of those lives and careers well-lived. And I still do.

“Remember this feeling.”

I remembered these words at last year’s CLEAR Annual Educational Conference in Salt Lake City when I heard that 150 of the 500 attendees were there for the very first time.  When we meet again at this September’s conference in Baltimore, I plan to use them to  welcome even more new voices from India, Oman and Zimbabwe.

“Remember this feeling.”

It came up again during last month’s taping of CLEAR’s podcast, “Regulation Matters: a CLEAR conversation”.  I was asked about my greatest lesson from being involved in CLEAR.  My answer?   When someone – many someones – took the time to share their story with me, I did not know that these stories would change the kind of regulator (and the kind of person) I want to be. It informs almost everything I do and how I approach mentoring other regulatory professionals. CLEAR’s mentorship program, now 50 participants strong, has already matched 25 of today’s leaders with 25 of tomorrow’s.  And in an upcoming podcast, you will hear from leaders of CLEAR’s DEI Committee about our efforts to become an organization that everyone can see themselves in. 

“Remember this feeling.”

I told the nearly 100 attendees at Toronto’s Regional Symposium about this advice when they gathered to share their journey, in ways sometimes very personal.  It happened again when, in preparing for a CLEAR Board meeting, I learned that CLEAR had received submissions from across the world, including from Nepal, Philippines, Pakistan, Kenya, Columbia, and Burundi for CLEAR’s scholarship dedicated to removing barriers for regulators to participate in regulatory conferences.

“Remember this feeling.”

When I attend these events, I still get the same sense of excitement as when I attended my first. I’m still excited to learn about relevant regulation and great leadership. I’m still overwhelmed by the regulatory star power and the kindness of people as they share their experiences. In fact, it’s the very sharing of perspectives and valuable lessons learned that makes CLEAR relevant for so many of us. And it’s why, as CLEAR’s President, I have really leaned in to the idea of telling our story. It appears on every Board agenda and is becoming a part of our culture.

Please consider how you can contribute to CLEAR’s story by sharing your own, possibly even as a member of CLEAR’s Board.  You can submit nominations until June 21st.  There are four seats available in addition to the role of our next President-Elect.  We would like to know more about you. 

It's now been 12 years since my first CLEAR conference. And I remember the kindness of a CLEAR President who spotted me sitting uncomfortably in a corner. Thank you, Deanna.


I remember that feeling. Every day.

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Marc Spector 

CLEAR President