CLEAR's President's Message - August 2024

CLEAR News, President's Message,

"We are storytellers at heart."  That was my favourite takeaway from CLEAR’s Winter Symposium on "Coding Kindness: Regulatory Approaches to Technology and Compassion."

Telling our Story

Anyone who knows me will agree when I say that I love to tell a story.  For me, it is a way to connect and share a powerful message.  It’s the sharing of perspectives and valuable lessons learned that makes CLEAR relevant for so many of us. And it’s why, as CLEAR’s President, I have leaned into the idea of telling our story.

For the past year, the theme of telling our story has appeared on almost every Board agenda. It’s also an important theme in a series of CLEAR’s podcasts, beginning this past Spring when CLEAR President-Elect Staci Mason and I released “Telling Our Story – Reflections on Board Service”.  We both talked about our journey with CLEAR and how, because of our experiences, we have developed into better regulatory leaders.  And in another podcast about to be released, you will hear from those who spearheaded CLEAR’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee and how our emphasis on inclusiveness has forever changed CLEAR’s trajectory. After that, you will hear from two CLEAR board members about CLEAR’s efforts to support the next generation of regulatory leaders. Like I said, I love to tell a story. 


Elevate Mentorship Program

“This program helped me develop my career goals” and “I am more confident in the skillset required for my job.”  That is how almost all 25 of tomorrow’s leaders described their experience in CLEAR’s inaugural mentorship program, ELEVATE.  Mentorship is just one way that we can support each other in anticipating regulatory trends and becoming more diverse, inclusive and thoughtful leaders. The program will reboot again in the Fall bringing together the next cohort of intergenerational learning and sharing.

INPTRA Legacy Scholarship

This scholarship is meant to help remove barriers for regulators who want to participate in CLEAR’s conferences.  It’s just one of the ways to bring CLEAR closer to our goal of being an international organization that everyone, everywhere can see themselves in.  Regulators from Kenya, Colombia, Pakistan, Burundi, Uganda, the Philippines, and Nepal reached out to us.  Two recipients from Nepal will be joining us at this year’s Annual Education Conference in Baltimore.

They will be among the nearly 600 attendees from ten countries, including Zimbabwe, India, Oman, New Zealand, the US, Canada, Australia, Ireland, and the UK.  I look forward to welcoming all of you. 

As part of CLEAR’s increasing international reach, this year, we have partnered with the International Association of Medical Regulatory Authorities (IAMRA) whose 2024 Symposium begins right after CLEAR’s conference on September 20th.

Thank You!

Line Dempsey, CLEAR’s Past-President, is a legend.  In addition to being practically synonymous with what is now the Education and Training Committee, he is also the voice (and charm) behind CLEAR’s podcast, “A CLEAR Conversation”.  As Line leaves our Board, I want to thank him for everything he has done to support great regulators and regulatory leaders everywhere.  Also, Line, thank you for being my friend.

And as my year as CLEAR’s President is coming to an end, I am looking forward to assuming the role of seasoned statesperson on the Board.  I am also excited to support Staci Mason as our next President.  Staci is the kind of person that I strive to be.  She will help lead CLEAR into becoming even more inclusive and relevant to everyone.    

In other words, CLEAR’s story is just beginning…

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Marc Spector

CLEAR President