AHPRA: proposed changes regarding complaints process
Following a review by the Federal Health and Aged Care Ministry, the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency has released proposals regarding the handling of sexual misconduct complaints. The proposals include
- "Strengthening the hand of patients and the public by increasing the role of community members in decision making committees about practitioner misconduct
- Seeking amendments to the National Law that would require tribunals to decide – in an open hearing – if practitioners who have had their registration cancelled can apply for re-registration
- The establishment of shared governance arrangements with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peak bodies to oversee the implementation of the culturally safe notifications program
- Improved standards for those harmed by practitioners, via a Charter of Rights for those who have experienced professional misconduct by health practitioners.
- Including more information on the national register about practitioners with a history of professional misconduct in sexual boundaries cases, a change that would require Ministerial support"