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2024 International Symposium

2024 International Symposium

Tuesday, December 3, 2024 at 3:00 AM (UTC) to Thursday, December 5, 2024 at 3:00 AM (UTC)

2024 International Symposium

With a continued and increasing global movement of skilled professionals, it is critical that regulators adapt and find ways to facilitate this mobility while upholding standards and public protection. CLEAR's inaugural International Symposium will explore the multifaceted challenges and opportunities of international workforce mobility and the evolving role of the regulator in a global context, examining the issue from the perspectives of multiple stakeholders in multiple jurisdictions.

The multi-day symposium will feature expert panels, case study presentations, and facilitated discussions. Attendees will have opportunities to share initiatives from their regions and countries and engage in substantive dialogue on addressing barriers to licensed workforce mobility and other challenges. An overarching goal is to identify concrete steps regulators can take to improve international workforce integration while fulfilling their public protection mandate. Join us for this comprehensive symposium to gain valuable knowledge, share best practices, and collaborate with regulatory professionals from around the world. Together, we can enhance the mobility of the international workforce and strengthen the role of the regulator in fostering a diverse, inclusive, and competent global professional community.

This program will be held virtually December 3-5, 2024 to maximize international participation in the discussion on this crucial topic. 

CLEAR’s International Symposium is a forum for the international regulatory community to convene to network, exchange experiences and ideas, and take a deeper look at a singular issue or topic impacting regulatory processes globally. Information sharing and collaboration among regulators from different jurisdictions, countries, and continents have proven invaluable in the pursuit of regulatory excellence and public protection, thus this program is structured to provide a dynamic, interactive forum for the broader international regulatory community, particularly those who have not previously engaged with CLEAR, to explore critical issues, foster dialogue and innovation, and increase mutual understanding across borders and regulatory frameworks.

The International Symposium schedule is designed to provide live content to our global attendees during standard work hours. Registrants are welcome to attend as many program blocks as work for their schedule; all presented content will be recorded and made available to attendees. Click the links below to view the session times in your location.

UTC Date & Time World Clock (Date & Time)
Block 1 - Assessing Global Workforce Mobility Monday, 3 December 2024, 3:00am-6:00am See your local time.
Block 2 - Legislative & Stakeholder Impacts  Monday, 3 December 2024, 12:00pm-3:00pm See your local time.
Block 3 - (Regulatory) Pushes and Pulls Monday, 3 December 2024, 9:00pm-12:00am See your local time.
Block 4 - Biases and Challenges Tuesday, 4 December 2024, 6:00am-9:00am See your local time.
Block 5 - Supporting Overall Well-being Tuesday, 4 December 2024, 3:00pm-6:00pm See your local time.
Block 6 - The Future of International Mobility  Wednesday, 5 December 2024, 12:00am-3:00am See your local time.

Registration Options

Credits Price
CLEAR Member Registration - Early Bird
Early Bird Pricing available to members through October 4, 2024. If you are unable to select the member price and believe you or your organization is a member, please contact

Registration Ends 10/4/24 at 11:59 PM EDT
General Registration - Category 1 - Early Bird
Early Bird Pricing available to general registrants through October 4, 2024. Category 1 registration is available to those from high-income economies. Categories are based Gross National Income per capita calculated by the World Bank. View the complete list of categories here.

Registration Ends 10/4/24 at 11:59 PM EDT
General Registration - Category 2 - Early Bird
Early Bird Pricing available to to general registrants through October 4, 2024. Category 2 registration is available to those from upper-middle-income economies. Categories are based Gross National Income per capita calculated by the World Bank. View the complete list of categories here.

Registration Ends 10/4/24 at 11:59 PM EDT
General Registration - Category 3 - Early Bird
Early Bird Pricing available to to general registrants through October 4, 2024. Category 3 registration is available to those from lower-middle-income economies. Categories are based Gross National Income per capita calculated by the World Bank. View the complete list of categories here.

Registration Ends 10/4/24 at 11:59 PM EDT
General Registration - Category 4 - Early Bird
Early Bird Pricing available to to general registrants through October 4, 2024. Category 4 registration is available to those from low-income economies. Categories are based Gross National Income per capita calculated by the World Bank. View the complete list of categories here.

Registration Ends 10/4/24 at 11:59 PM EDT

For More Information:

Tora Stubberud-Dobbs
Tora Stubberud-Dobbs
Program Specialist

Click on the Agenda tab to the left to learn more about the program content. The full program will be available in October 2024.

Presented content will be recorded and made available to all registrants.