Board of Directors Nomination Information

CLEAR is currently soliciting nominations for the position of 2025-2026 president-elect and its Board of Directors.

Available Seats

The office of president-elect and three regular, and one associate, board seats will be available in September 2025. The president-elect serves for one year, before automatically assuming the presidency the following year and then the role of past-president their final year (a three year term in total). Board terms will be for a period of two years (September 2025-September 2027). Eligible board members may stand for re-election to two additional two-year terms.


CLEAR encourages nominations from across its broad membership community. Representation is sought from a range of regulatory settings (health and non-health), and across the international member base. A list of Board Member Competencies is available, supplementing the Duties established in CLEAR’s Bylaws for Board Members, the Board, and its Officers.

A potential nominee must be both willing and able to serve. CLEAR's board of directors meets at least twice a year in various North American locations and on a monthly basis by video conference. Expenses for attending these meetings as well as any other expenses incurred as a result of the office are borne by the individuals or the organizations they represent. Among the criteria you should consider when submitting a nomination for office are knowledge of professional and occupational regulation, commitment to the goals and programs of CLEAR, service to CLEAR, demonstrated leadership, and demonstrated ability to commit the necessary time and expense. You should also review the complete list of CLEAR Leadership Duties.

Submit a Nomination

To make a nomination for either president-elect or for service on the board of directors, please send the nominee's name, title, address, telephone number and e-mail address, along with a brief candidate resume, to Adam Parfitt at, or via mail to Nominations, CLEAR, 108 Wind Haven Drive, Suite A, Nicholasville, Kentucky, 40356. Please indicate whether the nomination is for a regular board seat, an associate seat or the office of president-elect. Please note that self-nominations are acceptable. Proposed candidates will be contacted regarding their willingness to serve.


Nominations must be received at CLEAR headquarters by close of business on Friday, June 20, 2025.