The Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation (CLEAR) is the premier international resource for professional regulation stakeholders.
CLEAR promotes regulatory excellence through conferences, educational programs, webinars, seminars and symposia. The organization provides networking opportunities, publications, and research services for those involved with, or affected by, professional and occupational regulation. As a neutral forum to encourage and provide for the sharing of best practices, CLEAR serves and supports the international regulatory community and its vital contribution to public protection. CLEAR has defined its own educator role as proactively identifying critical issues; providing a dynamic, interactive forum for exploration of these issues and collecting and disseminating relevant information on them. There are four core areas of substantive inquiry that CLEAR supports through its annual conference and other venues: compliance, discipline and enforcement; testing and examination issues; entry to practice standards and continuing competence; and regulatory agency administration.

In brief, CLEAR's hallmark is its inclusiveness. Since it does not lobby or adopt positions on debatable matters, CLEAR offers neutral ground to those holding diverse viewpoints. This holistic approach serves its members well and permits unusual responsiveness to a necessarily varied and changing constituency.

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CLEAR's Mission

CLEAR is an association of individuals, agencies and organizations that comprise the international community of professional and occupational regulation.

CLEAR is a dynamic forum for improving the quality and understanding of regulation in order to enhance public protection.

Through conferences, services and publications, CLEAR provides the resources for ongoing and thorough communication of international licensure and regulation issues among all those interested in the field.

CLEAR's purpose is to bring together the professional regulatory community for:
  • The exchange of information
  • Education and training
  • A central information clearinghouse
  • The identification of best practices
CLEAR meets its mission through:
  • Conferences and training
  • Publications
  • Answering inquiries
  • Consulting
  • Providing Networking Opportunities


CLEAR was conceived in 1980 as a resource for any entity or individual involved in the licensure, non-voluntary certification or registration of the hundreds of regulated occupations and professions. Since its inception, CLEAR's membership has included representatives of all governmental sectors, the private sector and many others with an interest in this field.